Michelle McQuade

Tips for Keeping Your Ohio Home Cool This Summer

Ready for the summer? Beat the heat with these simple and practical keeps for keeping your Ohio home cool and comfortable.

  1. Block the sun
    Over 40% of summer heat enters your home through open windows. Luckily, shades and blinds can help keep indoor temperatures lower. Block the glare of the sun by closing the blinds, drapes, or shutters on the south and west sides of your home during peak sun hours. Throw them open later in the evening to allow cool air to enter and circulate in the home.
  2. Plants trees and shading plants
    Deciduous trees take a few years to mature, but if you have enough outdoor space, they can protect your home from the sun and boost curb appeal. The same goes for tall perennials like native grasses that offer shade and help beautify your yard. Hanging plants that can tolerate direct sunlight can also keep the sun out when placed in front of windows and archways.
  3. Turn the lights off
    Switch off the lights in empty rooms and keep the use of electronics like TVs and computers to a minimum. These home appliances can emit heat during the day, making your home warmer even in stand-by mode. For example, incandescent bulbs radiate about 90% of energy as heat. You can also consider switching to energy efficient alternatives like compact fluorescent lights, which emit about 75% less heat while in use.
  4. Cook outdoors
    If you have an outdoor kitchen, now is a good time to use it. Cook your meals on an outdoor grill or fire pit. Avoid using hot ovens inside your home to minimize the heat. You can also opt for foods that don’t require cooking heat.
  5. Stay hydrated and use cool water
    Drinking plenty of fluids can help you feel more refreshed while replenishing fluids lost from sweating. Taking cool showers can also help the body cope with the heat. If the weather is unbearable, press a cool damp cloth on your forehead and around your neck. Drink cold beverages to cool your body from within while at the same replenishing fluids lost through sweating.
  6. Ensure proper ventilation
    Expel hot air from your home with whole house fans, solar attic fans, box fans, and attic vents. Ceiling fans set to counter-clockwise rotation can also blow air down and keep you cool. Though not as cool as air conditioners, fans consume a lot less energy to keep your utilities lower.
  7. Run the AC
    If you use an AC at home, raise the thermostat a few degrees. This will help you save about 3% to 5% in cooling costs while staying comfortable indoors, according to estimates from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). This will also make it easier for you to adjust to the summer heat when you head out for a jog or errands.
  8. Avoid peak sun hours
    Speaking of heading outdoors, make sure to avoid jogging or gardening midday when the sun is at its hottest. You might be at higher risk of sun damage or heat stroke during these hours. If you must spend time outdoors during midday, stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and wear protective but loose-fitting clothing to ensure comfort.

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Find the perfect home in Ohio when you consult with a top Realtor in Cleveland. You can reach me, Michelle McQuade, here for more info on the local housing market. I’d be happy to help you find your new home this summer.

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