Michelle McQuade

The Moving Checklist: A Relocation Guide

Moving homes can be a real chore that may even take a few months to complete. Some cram during the last minute and attempt to prepare a few days before the big move, while some take their time and start early to make sure everything is covered. If you’re unsure of what to do, take a leaf from our book and follow these simple tips.

    1. Relocation

      1. Create a timetable.

      If you don’t have an assistant, a timetable will help you keep things on track and tick items off your moving checklist. Decide when the best time for you to start packing is. A month before the big move should be fine and will allow you to sort through your items. For things you don’t need, you can sell these at a garage sale or donate to charity.

    2. 2. Take care of your utilities as soon as possible.

      You should start switching your utilities as early as the home buying process, specifically when you finally have a closing date. This will give you plenty of time to change addresses, look for new utility services (just in case), and whatnot. This is particularly important if you’re moving to a newly built home or a property that has been vacant for quite a while.

    3. 3. Prepare your new home before moving day.

      Since you’re giving yourself a month to prepare before the actual move, you can start moving your items to your new home. This will save you time after the big move, giving you plenty of time to enjoy your new home without the looming responsibility of having to unpack everything.

    4. 4. Pack an overnight bag.

      If you didn’t follow Item #3, it’s best to pack an overnight bag filled with necessities such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and underwear – just enough to keep you covered for the first few days in your new home. This way, you won’t have to go through boxes just to get your toothbrush or find a fresh set of clothes to change into. If you think that unpacking will take quite a bit of time (and you still didn’t follow item #3), pack a bag that will take care of your needs for the first week at your new place, at least.

    5. 5. Get to know the neighborhood.

      A few days before your big move, take a day off to explore the neighborhood. Walk around the area, and don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to the people you pass by. These are your new neighbors, and a friendly hello will take you a long way. After all, they know the neighborhood better and can give you a recommendation or two about the best local resources. It also helps that you have warm faces to welcome you come moving day.

    6. 6. Change the locks.

      As soon as the sale is closed, visit your new home and change the locks on all exterior doors in the property. Chances are, the previous owners or the maintenance folks who have been in and out the home still have keys to what is basically now your place. Getting new locks installed is added bit of security that will give you some peace of mind.

Granted, these six tips are not enough to cover the whole moving process. It will definitely help you out, however! If you’re looking for more guides, check out this HGTV article or this page. You can also browse through our resources for more information.

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